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Climate change : Corporation and human security

ডে-নাইট-নিউজ ; প্রকাশিত: মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ আগষ্ট, ২০২২ খ্রিস্টাব্দ, ০৬:০৫ পিএম;
Climate change : Corporation and human security
Climate change : Corporation and human security

Global warming refers to trend of rising temperatures both at the earths surface and in the lower atomsphre. as carbon dioxaid and other greenhouse gases accumulate in the atomsphre, those gases trap the earths heat and thereby causes temperatures to rise .

The burning of fossil fuel (Oil, coal, natural gas) accounts for three fourth of global carbon dioxid emissions. deforestation is second main source representing at least 20% of all carbon emission..

Four main sector are responsible for the bulk of carbon emission from burning fossil fuels: electricity generation, transportation, industrial processes, and residetial and commercial building's, foresty management and agriculture also influence the amount of carbon released in to the atomsphre..

World had the necessary technology and financial resource to reduce carbon emission and thereby avert devastating  global warming. the time for action now..

in 2007 the IPCC warned the international community that it could have as little as 8 years to prevent a global average temperature rise of above 2°c the threshold at which the most severe consequence were projected to occur..

with this assessment, the scientists shifted responsibility to governments and citizens, who would decide what actions to take in light of the projected impacts of unmitigated climate change.. .

ডে-নাইট-নিউজ / M. Shariful islam

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